ISCA Postdoc & Early Career Researcher Advisory Committee (PECRAC) was created in 2021 and had organised several events since :
- 1st Early Career Researcher Annual Gathering @ Interspeech 2021
- 2nd Early Career Researcher Annual Gathering @ Interspeech 2022
- Connecting Early Career Researchers @ Interspeech 2022
- Casual event N°1 : Permanent job applications in academia (December 2022)
- Casual event N°2 : Job applications in industry (April 11, 2023)
ISCA-PECRAC aims to give guidance and accompany post-doc and early career researchers during their early career lives.
More specifically, the aim of the PECRAC committee is
- to establish links and collaboration between postdocs and early career researchers in speech communication in different institutions and companies from all over the world;
- to keep postdoc & early career researchers posted with current postdoc & tenure-track job offers;
- to provide mentoring;
- to give feedback on their major issues in research;
- to create an environment where postdoc & early career researchers can socialize with their peers.
General coordinators Dr. Yaru Wu (France) & Dr. Berrak Sisman (USA)
Technical Coordinator Dr. Ravi Rhythm (India)
Event Coordinator Dr. Shammur Chowdhury (Qatar)
Media Coordinator Dr. Jennifer Williams (England)
PECRAC Volunteers:
Sishir Kalita (India), Cong Zhang (UK), Mingyang Zhang (Singapore)
Contact :

Registration link :