ISCA - International Speech |
Speech Synthesis has a long history: There is a good introduction by Andrew Maas in the May 17 Lecture of the Stanford Spoken Language Processing course
Simon King's Course on Speech Synthesis is a comprehensive multimedia presentation.
ISCA's Speech Synthesis special Interest Group SynSIG compiles lists of software tools and educational materials.
Most attention has been paid to ‘Text-to-Speech’ applications, i.e. type in the words you want and have them spoken for you.
Speech synthesis systems are evaluated in terms of intelligibility (how many words are correctly identified by listeners?) and naturalness (to what extent does the synthesis resemble a normal human voice?).
Visual overview of SCOOT Synthesis Topics.
Synthesis from written text (orthography) involves 2 stages:
To a large extent these stages are independent.
For an introduction to Text Analysis, see
Waveform generation methods subdivide into
Provide software for generating synthetic speech