Faculty of Information Technology and Communication (ITC) at Tampere University, together with ELLIS Institute Finland, is looking for candidates to several positions in the Artificial Intelligence research and other fields applying AI:
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
These PI positions are joint offered by Tampere University (https://www.tuni.fi/en/about-us/tampere-university) and ELLIS Institute Finland, which is a newly established world-class research hub in AI and Machine Learning. The call will close on 9 March 2025.
For more information about the requirements and how to apply at ELLIS institute web page https://www.ellisinstitute.fi/PI-recruit. The positions and their requirements are also described below.
1) Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Computing Science (Fundamental AI)
The Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University invites applications for positions at all Professor levels in the field of theoretical Machine Learning. We are looking for outstanding machine learning scientists with a strong research track record in fields such as theoretical foundations of Machine Learning, computational learning theory, model training and optimization, efficient, interpretable, trustworthy and scalable Machine Learning, and foundation models in Machine Learning (uni- and multi-model FMs, diffusion and generative models).
2) Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Computing Science (Applied AI)
The Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University invites applications for positions at all Professor levels in the across the field of Computer Sciences. We are looking for outstanding computing science scientists with a strong research track record in, for example, Computer Engineering, Human–Computer Interaction, Network and Information Security, Signal Processing, or Software Engineering, including human-centered AI foci such as AI ethics.
3) Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networking
The Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University invites applications for positions at all Professor levels in the field of Electrical Engineering, especially in Communications and Networking. We are looking for outstanding scientists with a strong research track record in, for example, AI native 6G networks, semantic communications and machine learning, or Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning for physical layer technology, radio resource management and mobility management, or wireless sensing and positioning.
4) Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in AI in Media
The Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University invites applications for positions at all Professor levels in Artificial Intelligence in media. The position will be situated either in Computing Sciences Unit, Communications Sciences Unit, or Languages Unit. We are looking for outstanding scientists with a strong research track record in AI, for example, in Multimedia (e.g. audio, video), Multimodality, , Journalism, Linguistics, Performing Arts, Extended Reality, Gamification, or Games.
Requirements and Process
Applications are welcomed to all tenure track levels (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor). You should have a doctoral degree in an applicable field and have experience in research in academia in the respective field or fields. You regularly publish at top tier venues in AI-driven fields. Further requirements for each tenure track level are as follows:
Assistant Professor
- applicable doctoral degree,
- ability to undertake independent scholarly activity and potential to pursue scholarly activity at a high international level of excellence,
- teaching skills required to successfully perform the duties and functions of the position.
Associate Professor
- applicable doctoral degree
- track record of independent scholarly activity
- teaching skills required to successfully perform the duties and functions of the position
- ability to lead a research group and acquire external funding
- track record of international scholarly activity.
- applicable doctoral degree
- high-level international scholarly expertise
- experience of leading scientific research
- ability to provide high-quality research-based education and instruction
- track record of winning external research funding
- track record of international scholarly activity
Initial appointment for assistant professor and for associate professor is for five years. Subject to successful performance, you will become a tenured member of the faculty staff at the end of the first five-year period. Full professors will hold a permanent appointment from the outset. A trial period of six months applies to all our new employees. Candidates may be invited for a video interview during the first stage of the recruitment process. The most qualified candidates will be invited to Tampere University for an interview and may undergo an aptitude assessment. They will also undergo a review by external experts and may be required to give a demonstration of their teaching skills.
Further Information
Further information on the position and the working environment may be obtained from Professor, Vice-Dean for Research Juho Hamari (research.itc@tuni.fi), and about the tenure track career path from HR Specialist Safija Chabbi (safija.chabbi@tuni.fi).
About ITC Faculty: https://www.tuni.fi/en/about-us/faculty-information-technology-and-communication-sciences
About Tampere University Tenure Track career path: https://www.tuni.fi/en/about-us/working-at-tampere-universities/tampere-university-as-an-employer/tenure-track-career-path
Apply here: https://www.ellisinstitute.fi/PI-recruit